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Glazed Thick Floor Tiles

See PDF Glazed Thick Floor Tiles

They are low porouness ceramic tiles close to the 30x30 cms format and higher thickness to the typical one (in this case 13mm.) They are compressed, glazed and coated in just one high temperature fired-on to get the tile vitrification. They are used for tiling in the inside of houses but they are especially made for the outside in places which have a propensity to freezzing. They generally have an anti-slip surface finish. They are resistant to freezing and placed in a correct way they support the crossing of vehicles. They are made of red clay (red body) and glazed in any colour or design. The most modern ones are printed with digital printing technology. They are normally square.

These tiles are pasted with basic and flexible adhesives for freezing areas. They are not required to be soaked in water previously.

If used outdoors, it is convinient to use flexible adhesive. In this way we solve the dilatation problem and the subsequent detachment of the tiles.

© Cerston, S,L

CERSTON - Ceramics & Stones - E-12530 Burriana - Spain
CERSTON S.L. (B12857405) : Aviso Legal
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